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Found 33491 results for any of the keywords microbial communities. Time 0.008 seconds.
Shallow Shotgun Sequencing Services | CosmosIDShallow shotgun metagenomic sequencing offers a cost-effective method to analyze the human microbiome. Request a quote today.
Applied Microbes 2024 | Applied Microbes conferences | London, UKJoin us at the 9th World Conference on Applied Microbiology and Beneficial Microbes in London, UK, on October 21-22, 2024. Explore the latest research and advancements in applied microbiology and beneficial microbes. Con
Metatranscriptomics Sequencing | CosmosIDCosmosID offers metatranscriptomic sequencing services optimized for various sample types, supporting diverse applications and research functionalities.
Metabolomics Services Testing | CosmosIDMetabolomic testing analysis, enabling the interrogation of the underlying metabolomic profile of the microbiome. Targeted nontargeted options available.
Biolog - Microbial Identification CharacterizationWEBINAR: Optimizing Conditions for Growing and Profiling Gut Microbes with Biolog's Anaerobic Media Matcher and PreBioM Plates
Term of the Month | National Institute of JusticeWelcome to NIJ’s Term of the Month. Each month we are featuring a term from our scientific research portfolios informing significant American justice system issues and solutions.December 2024 — Bloodstain Pattern Analysi
Microbiome Bioinformatics - Metagenomics Services | CosmosIDCosmosID provides award-winning NGS Services and Bioinformatics Solutions as well as rapid identification and characterization of microorganisms.
Microbiome Science for Beauty Personal Care | Eagle GenomicsMicrobiome science provides opportunities for product personalization, ingredient safety, component optimization, and the identification of organic alternatives.
Plastic - WikipediaOne important classification of plastics is the degree to which the chemical processes used to make them are reversible or not.
Liminal NestThis is not a blog about recovery. This is not a story about a plucky young person who was doing everything right, had their life derailed by a mysterious illness, and is now back on track because the mystery had been
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